Hello everyone and welcome to my brand new blog! I will be making new posts each Tuesday so be sure to check in every week for new posts to hear about my latest racing news!
Wow, the wait to get back was definitely a long one. While the long winter was going on I was mostly preparing to get back in the kart again, mostly through simulation racing (iRacing and Kart Racing Pro) as well as indoor karting. But now that I'm back again, a few things have changed.
For starters, I will now be competing in a much faster category in Rotax, the Senior Max class. Last year was the Junior Max, which was about five horsepower slower, so while the change is not different, the engine now is going to be a lot quicker due to the change in tires. Last year we ran the Mojo D1 tire (the tire used to race in Junior Max), however we are now going to run the D2 tire, which is the tire used for the Senior Max category and is a second quicker due to added grip. With the category change came the need for a new engine. While we did not get a brand new engine built, we did get it upgraded to senior max standards.
To top it all off, a new chassis! Well, almost. It was owned but never used, meaning that it has never been on track before but has had a previous owner. Once again we got a 2013 Tony Kart chassis like the one from last year.
So all in all, it is looking like a very promising season. I honestly cannot wait to drive once more, and hopefully this weekend at Oakland Valley Race Park (my home track) will show some good results as I brush the cobwebs. Excited!